Friday, October 22, 2010

How do i put another ps3 online account for my younger brother?

i have a master account for ps3 and i want to know how i can make another account for my brother. He wants to go online with his own account so he can talk to his friends and play against them.

thanksHow do i put another ps3 online account for my younger brother?
-on you XMB go to the far left and create a new user profile.

-once you've logged into that profile, create a new psn account

-once you get to the option to create a master account or sub account, pick sub account.

-it should then tell you to enter the master account details and so forth.

- and vuas-la, you have a new PSN account.How do i put another ps3 online account for my younger brother?
OH boy! you gotta explore the ps3 a bit more son! lol, you have one account created for ps3 right? and then regersited it for online right? same thing to make another! go to where your account name is and at top or bottom it you can chose to make another ps3 account, make yur bro a ps3 acount then regersiter it online and thats it ! :)
Go to the far fight of the PS3 menu

And go to create a new user

Name it after your brother

Then you will have the option under Friends to make another PS account

i have 4 :P

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