Friday, November 19, 2010

How do you bypass a campus' wifi restrictions?

I'm going to Rutgers and I want to get my PS3 online. The issue is, in order to use the internet, you must login at one of their websites with your user ID beforehand when on a web browser. The PS3, when setting up the new internet connection, will find the IP address but fail in making a connection online. Is there any way around this, or the bandwidth daily limit they enforce?

Also, none of that ';OMG UR IN SH COOL AND SUDNT BE PLAYING ROFL';.How do you bypass a campus' wifi restrictions?
This might sound a little revolutionary, but have you tried talking to the admin staff? Have you tried the browser on the PS3?

They may have come accross this and be able to offer a realistic suggestion.

The bandwidth you are probably stuck with!How do you bypass a campus' wifi restrictions?
Hi, sorry but even if I did know how to bypass the restrictions, then I wouldn't tell you. The restrictions are there to make it secure so people can't just log on at anytime, and to make sure no-one is using up too much bandwidth and slowing down the connection for everyone else.

One thing you could do is to get a mobile broadband USB dongle. You can get Pay As You Go, or pay monthly, here are some of the main providers:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

It can be a bit pricey, and it's not super-quick, but you can access it on the move.

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