Sunday, November 21, 2010

Need Help on somethings?

1) Can alka seltzer help dogs upset stomach, or will it make him throw up?

2)I need help with Modern Warfare 2 glitches its on Ps3, I like to do glitches on different games

3)Did they ever found out how to transfer(give) animals like Wolves, ect, blood to humans? or did they give uo?

4)I want to make a movie but i don't want it on youtube, i want to publish it, but i don't know how? i don't know wich movie makers will take my ideas?

5)which is better Xbox 360, or PS3. Xbox 360 needs to pay to go online, and Ps3 is free to go online.

6)I also want to make a book, but i suck at spelling things i don't know, and also i go over board and some parts that i tell.

7)To be continued..... i put that there to be funny.Need Help on somethings?
1. alka seltzer isnt for an upset stomach....

2. i wouldnt worry bout the glitches because they are constantly patching them.

3.they're still trying, pigs blood is closest last i heard.

4. youtube is where u can be found if ur movie is any good, best free advertising for urslelf.

5.360 for multiplayer gamers, ps3 for single player gamers

6. write, write, write, then when people are telling you ur stuff is good, ur in.

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