Sunday, November 21, 2010

Please Help! abount Ps3 Banned! Help PLEASE?

ok, i deserve the ban, in a way, but it was a joke which i didn't get to complete. i was messing with a friend, changed his password and while not realizing he called sony saying his email and password were changed, they banned me! this person who i was playing around with is my neighboor, and then i ask him the next day why it says i can't sign in, he says i called sony and the user who changed my p word is banned for a week, well i was banned once before on killzone 2 for glitching, and now, i can't sign on my main account or ANY account on my ps3, i can go on the internet but not sign in my user, he (my neighboor) told me that the guy who banned the hacker(i guess me even tho it was a joke) is banned for a week, tommrow is when i SHOULD be unbanned but this was my 2nd ban. is it permanent? please help im so nervous, if it isn't how could i EVER go online on a ps3 again?Please Help! abount Ps3 Banned! Help PLEASE?
If they say a week, it should be a week.

But seriously, don't mess with other people's stuff. You know how worried you are right now? That's how worried your neighbor was when you changed his password.

And if you'd do anything to get your account back, he'd do anything to get his too.

So it's more about karma: if you freak someone out, something's gonna freak you out.

Anyway, should be back online by tomorrow, may take a few hours longer than when you were initially banned though. I'd stay away from hacking and glitching from now on.
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