Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ps3 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 wid sky netgear?

i want to go online with my ps3 i no how to set it up i go to all of tht i no the ssid wateva it is but wen it asks for a wpa key wats tht i have a ip adresses wat is ewhnnmmn but i typed that in for wpa key and it asked for a ip adresses in numbers so wat in the world do i have to do my ssid is the same as my ip adresse but wat do i put in then it ask for 1 dns or sank and second wat r they im new to ps3 and wat is psnPs3 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 wid sky netgear?
firstly you have no idea what you are doing this isn't a load of special stuff that ps3 has put in its just common computer knowledge. go to:


network settings

internet connection settings, yes




find you ssid in the list,

enter wpa code (wireless password) and if you dont know it ask who ever set up the wireless,

then it checks the connection and your online.

and psn is playstation network.Ps3 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 wid sky netgear?
post your problem here:

A wep key is a type of security key that you should find on te back of your router

a psn means playstation network it is your name that friends can add to play you online

if you need anymore help feel free to pm me
primary dns will be available for view on PC router manager. secondary dns is not required...proxy server not required.
Just buy an Xbox 360. Much better online.

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